dimecres, 13 d’octubre del 2010

What are you dream?

My dream in the future is to get a scholarship at the important University in Barcelona. I would like to study ADE or economics, and then work in a big important company.

But at the moment my main objective is to pass Batxillerat with good mark, and so I have to push and focus. This objective is very difficult because this year I have to study and work a lot on my research project, exams and other projects.

Another dream which is not related to my studies is to travel around the world with my friends. I think this is possible, because I could struggle for to get my dream.

In conclusion I think that Obama was right when he said “You make your own future” because if you study a lot you will have a good future, and then you will be able to get a better job.

dilluns, 11 d’octubre del 2010


Playoffs are the last part of NBA; this league is the best league in the world and is the National Basketball League of Unite States. In this league play thirty teams in total, fifteen of west conference and fifteen of east Conference. But in the east conference are fourteen teams in Unite State and one team, Toronto Raptors that is in Toronto in Canada.

In this league first play ninety matches old of teams and the best sixteen play the playoffs, the best eight teams in the west Conference play de playoffs and the best teams in the east Conference also play the playoffs and the final of NBA play the best two teams, one of the west Conference and the other, the best of east Conference. Last year the champion of NBA was Boston Celtics that his player’s leaders are Kevin Garnet, Paul Pierce and Ray Allen. This year the favourite teams for win the NBA are Los Angeles Lakers with his best players Pau Gasol, who is the best Spanish player, Kobe Bryant and Lamar Odom, Boston Celtics with Garnet, Pierce and Allen, but in my opinion the best team in the NBA, with Lebron James, is Cleveland Cavaliers. The others best teams in the NBA are Dallas Mavericks, Phoenix Suns, Orlando Magic, Detroit Pistons, New Orleans Hornets, Huston Rockets, Denver Nuggets…

Now, only play Lakers and Huston, Denver and Dallas, Boston and Orlando, and Cleveland and Atlanta. Cleveland and Denver win 3-0 in their series and in the others win Lakers and Orlando 2-1. I think that the winner will be Cleveland Cavaliers that in the final will play against Los Angeles Lakres.

divendres, 8 d’octubre del 2010

My joke

A number twelve walks into a bar and asks the barman dor a pint of beer.
"Sorry I can't serve you" states the barman.
"Why not?!" asks the number twelve with anger showing in its voice.
"you're under eighteen", replies the barman.